Upgrade SC2 Firmware and 4 Ways to Check Version


After running into a major hard disk problem with my Windows 10 machine, I finally got Windows 10 up and running again with a new SSD.

I decided to download the desktop app from the RICOH site and check the firmware version in my SC2.

I first plugged it into the USB 3.0 port of my Windows 10 computer using a USB cable I bought from Amazon. It should work with a USB 2.0 port as well.


The desktop software is available from https://support.theta360.com/en/download/. There are many apps. Get the Basic app. It’s now up to 79.5MB. The software is the same for Z1, V, SC2. There are different links on the page, but the software is the same.

desktop app download

After download and installation, select File -> Firmware Update.

update menu

update to 1.51

The desktop software will download the firmware to the desktop computer and then transfer it to the THETA with the USB cable.

download firmware

After the transfer is complete, disconnect the THETA from the USB cable. Turn it off. Turn it back on.

The camera and video icon on the display panel will flash. After several minutes the firmware upgrade completes.

process after download

Confirm Firmware Version with Desktop Software

Confirm firmware desktop

Confirm Firmware with API

Connect Windows Computer to THETA

To connect to the camera with Wi-Fi from my Windows computer, I have both Ethernet and Wi-Fi on my computer. My Ethernet router is not at The THETA needs to be at

IMPORTANT: Make sure you connect with the Wi-Fi security key and not with the pin.

Windows Security Key

key input

The password is the 8 digit number of the THETA. The number in my case is 20001005.

Do not put THETAYP or .OSC in the password.

Check Firmware with Browser

You can check the firmware with in a web browser. /osc/info is one of the few command that is a HTTP GET command.

firmware version

Check Firmware with curl

You can also get the firmware with curl.

curl info

$ curl
{"manufacturer":"RICOH","model":"RICOH THETA SC2","serialNumber":"20001005","firmwareVersion":"01.51","supportUrl":"https://theta360.com/en/support/","gps":false,"gyro":true,"endpoints":{"httpPort":80,"httpUpdatesPort":80},"apiLevel":[2],"api":["/osc/info","/osc/state","/osc/checkForUpdates","/osc/commands/execute","/osc/commands/status"],"uptime":1395,"_wlanMacAddress":"58:38:79:2b:ad:c5","_bluetoothMacAddress":"6c:21:a2:47:d9:05"}

Check Firmware with Dart

import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:apitest/pretty_print.dart';

void getInfo() async {
  String url = '';

  var request = await HttpClient().getUrl(Uri.parse(url));
  // sends the request
  var response = await request.close(); 

  // transforms and prints the response
  await for (var contents in response.transform(Utf8Decoder())) {

Running the command from the test script in the repository of this site.

C:>dart bin\main.dart info
  "manufacturer": "RICOH",
  "model": "RICOH THETA SC2",
  "serialNumber": "20001005",
  "firmwareVersion": "01.51",
  "supportUrl": "https://theta360.com/en/support/",
  "gps": false,
  "gyro": true,
  "endpoints": {
    "httpPort": 80,
    "httpUpdatesPort": 80
  "apiLevel": [
  "api": [
  "uptime": 1890,
  "_wlanMacAddress": "58:38:79:2b:ad:c5",
  "_bluetoothMacAddress": "6c:21:a2:47:d9:05"