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Community Guide for theta-client


Full code on GitHub ricohapi/theta-client.


For iOS, see this video.

For iOS

cd theta-client/demos/demo-ios
pod install

Open SdkSample.xcworkspace in Xcode.

Connect computer to RICOH THETA camera.

Press play inside of Xcode.

For Android, open in Android Studio and press play.


theta-client is an open source library enabling rapid creation of mobile apps that control RICOH THETA cameras. The library works with Kotlin, Swift, Dart, and JavaScript.

Demo Apps

Four open source demo applications are included:


Refer to theta-client documentation for the development platform you are using.

In addition to documentation on theta-client, you can refer to the RICOH official Web API 2.1 documentation.

Community Tips

cannot find ANDROID_HOME (Android)

You may need to specify the path of ANDROID_HOME in either an environmental variable or the file in the project root.

Example on Linux.


zip END header not found (Android)

After you build theta-client, make sure that you copied theta-client-debug.aar into theta-client\demos\demo-android\app\libs

React Native: run pod install in ios folder

For React Native, you may need to run pod install in the ios folder inside of demo-react-native

minSdkVersion (Android)

If you build a new project, the minSdkVersion might be set to a lower number such as 16. The plug-in requires a minSdkVersion of 26.

In android/app/build.gradle, set to minSdkVersion 26

Getting Help

Open an issue on GitHub.