Silicon Valley THETA S Meetup and Workshop Planned
In response to massive requests for THETA demos and developer information after the recent DeveloperWeek Hackathon in San Francisco, we’ve decided to extend the hacking excitement to Silicon Valley.
We’re planning an educational workshop and onsite hacking meetup with loaner cameras.
THETA 360 Camera Hacking Continues
We’ve made the THETA Unofficial Guides hackathon documentation available online. However, we realize you may not have a camera handy. If you’re interested in attending a free THETA SF Bay Area meetup where you can hack on the camera onsite, please go to to and sign up.
We’ll cover the basics of the API and provide application templates to get you going in less than 30 minutes. For rapid prototyping, we’ll cover Python and JavaScript, but you can use any language to control the camera with the HTTP API. Stay and build your application.
Once we have critical mass, we’ll schedule the day and place. Join THETA Developers to take part in the fast-growing 360 image and video movement!
Ready for more?