Viewer for MotionJPEG stream from RICOH THETA SC2

Tested with firmware 1.31

Landscape Mode

landscape mode screenshot

MotionJPEG demo on Android AVD displaying video on laptop to show how the app can display motion.
Imagine you have the THETA SC2 out capturing a real surf scene instead of a simulated session on a laptop.

Portrait Mode

Screenshot of MotionJPEG Viewer

Portrait mode adds buttons to change the fps for testing. Elapsed time since the start of the MotionJPEG test session is also displayed.

Elapsed time is useful to test if the MotionJPEG stream stops. The stream did not stop in my tests unless another command such as take picture was given.


  • Rewrite app to isolate updating of stateful widgets, which may improve updating. Though, it seems to work great now with the gaplessPlayback and precacheImage implementation
  • change fps button color when selected.
  • figure out why app only works on SC2 and not on V/Z1. The http request doesn’t return the same result on V/Z1. For the V/Z1, I built a different app using the dart:io HttpClient() instead of the http package.

Tips for Smooth Playback


Implemented gaplessPlayback property.


I used precacheImage to eliminate a white flickering problem.
I’m not sure when the cache is cleared or if the physical device will run out of memory. I’ve tested it for continous streaming for 10 minutes.

Image cachedImage = Image.memory(
    buf.sublist(73, buf.length),
precacheImage(cachedImage.image, context);
setState(() {
  frameImage = cachedImage;

Packaging and Release

modern Android phones such as Google Pixel should use app-arm64-v8a-release.apk

app.apk       app-arm64-v8a-release.apk    app-debug.apk
app.apk.sha1  app-armeabi-v7a-release.apk  app-x86_64-release.apk

More Information

RICOH THETA SC2 Developer Community Site